About Us

MyPascoConnect is Pasco’s uniform solution for the unique authentication problem that students, teachers, and parents have to deal with. With myPascoConnect, users are not allowed to remember different passwords for all types of services offered by Pasco Official.


MyPascoConnect is a one-time registration that students and school staff, including teachers, have access to after they have first logged into their account. Users can adjust the My Pasco Connect account after selecting people.

About MyPascoConnect

Access to myPascoConnect is possible with any good internet browser, including Chrome, Firefox, etc. If you want to take advantage of all the site’s features, you may be asked to use the class link extension available for the Chrome browser.

The use of MyPascoConnect is a unique registry that students and faculty can access, including teachers, after logging into their account for the first time. Users can customize the My Pasco Connect account after selecting people.

This portal is especially available for Students, Teachers and Parents as well, all can log in into their account so it becomes very easy for them to get access to their profile without any further issues.

This feature makes it very unique for parents to track their child’s progress and interact with the students in an easy way.
